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A Thank You To the Nurse

A rhyming thank you written in verse To the wonderful women and men who work as a nurse They do so much more than just first aid Considering their responsibility they should be better paid They assist in the process of creation They are even responsible for drug calculation In crisis situations they aid in evacuation Nurses need to be treated better across the whole nation They are faced with the challenge of an ageing population They work overseas and help the poor For those incapacitated they come to the door They are on the front line during times of war They have a duty of care legislated by law On a daily basis they are faced with death They are with a patient for their last breath They work long hours without adequate pay They face trauma and grief day by day They have to work at a rapid pace Often having to rush from place to place Due to cutbacks they are often short of staff In some areas staffing is less than half Our healthcare system is in a state of demise C’mon you politicians give nurses a pay rise They deal with patients who are disorderly or wild They provide comfort to parents of a child They encounter various problems with people’s health They don’t discriminate the poor or those with wealth They assist in the prevention or destruction of disease They are expected by some to do this with ease They are ordinary people doing extraordinary acts Don’t question them unless you know all of the facts They deal with issues that cause stress They treat patients who are in distress They deal with patients who want to fight They deal with patients who sometimes bite They help patients who are deaf or without sight They work seven days a week both day and night They assist a patient who has lost their mind Their mannerisms are generally pleasant and kind Only recently have they been given reasonable superannuation The government must do more and increase remuneration They are highly educated, instructed and trained When facing trauma their uniforms can get blood stained They deal with cuts, abrasions and breaks Constantly they have to avoid making mistakes Nurses without a doubt do a wonderful job They are the blood supply that keeps our hearts a throb I am so proud that I have a sister who is a nurse To you my sister and your peers I give you this verse

Copyright © | Year Posted 2007

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Date: 7/23/2013 4:25:00 PM
Thankyou for this tribute from a grateful retired nurse. I miss the patients but not the stress. It is a very heart rewarding job. SuZ
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