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A Tear Falls

A Tear Falls The sun is three quarters pasts as the breeze picks up. There is but one boat upon the waters of a sudden memory. For it is these waters that I looked upon, on the afternoon of your passing. It has been two months minus two days since you left. Yet, the presence of your heart and ways stay fresh. A Tear Falls A fish jumped and I know your here with me. A young duck glides across the bay while tapping its feet on the water, and I know your here with me. So I said to myself, dad are you out here fishing with one of your buddies just as I noticed off in the distance a small fishing boat with two people in it drifting across the inlet. Then a fish jumps again in the very same spot. A Tear Falls Then as the sunsets over the hillside, its last lights shines on all of the windows across the water at the marina. As the sunsets so do the memories of the Columbia River and Bayport Marina, so sets the sun of a great mans life my father, my dad, my friend. A Tear Falls MaryM.Mcshirley/Kilker copyrighted @ 2010

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 9/16/2010 11:06:00 AM
Enjoyed reading your poetry today Mary. Hope you have a wonderful day. Love, Carol
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Date: 9/16/2010 12:06:00 AM
this is a wonderful memorial to your father, awesome, Mary... Harry
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