A Tale of Two Cities
In the mind of earth’s creator,
towering, tall, majestic walls,
symbol of celestial city,
established on foundation sure.
On the promise of his maker,
Abram’s faith beheld its beauty.
City with a firm foundation,
made by God’s almighty hand.
After God deluged the nations,
steeped in sin, ripe in rebellion,
Noah’s sons and their descendants,
in their travels found a vast plain.
Come let us erect a city,
made of bricks secured by asphalt.
Spread out in the land of Shinar,
with a tower reaching heaven.
But the Lord seeing their motives,
devised a scheme their plans to thwart.
He swooped down, confused their language,
scattering them east, west, north, south.
Babel’s tower stands symbolic,
of man’s pride and perverse scheming,
in his quest for independence,
from his God and sole sustainer.
Zion city, earthly forebear,
of the city with foundation.
Fashioned as the habitation,
Soon to be my eternal home.
Copyright © David Richmond | Year Posted 2021
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