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A Steady Eye

Poet's Notes

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The analogy is about a hurricane, but translates into the often danger of the quiet person, who sits waiting for the right time to act. 
a steady eye -- the attack dwells in calm sitting ready read "about the poem"

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 2/27/2012 3:05:00 AM
The short Japanese form is one of the few I enjoy. Often, I will take a longer poem and splice it to make a heavenly piece of red velvet cake such as this tiny masterpiece. I read your bio. 74 yr old poet of 2 yrs. Ahhh the beauty of youth inside the realms of what the world calls literacy. You and I know better. This is a wonderful spiritual journey of much juxtaposition! I welcome you to the world of writing. You are quite the penman indeed!
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Date: 2/26/2012 11:50:00 AM
I really like how you captured the moment here, Charles! Reminds me so much of the time when I witnessed being in the eye of a storm, both an eerie and awesome experience. I like how this can also apply to people...thanks so much for my placement in your contest! I love the challenges that your contests give :D
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Date: 2/25/2012 12:05:00 PM
Yes, the quiet ones are always the worst, they say! Love this piece, Charles. Thanks very much - I enjoyed your contest and also your haiku blogs : )
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