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A Sound of Orient

A sound of orient - He looks like a fragranced oasis in this city; a lean, yet muscular man in a dhoti, sweaty; playing flute, a plateful of bland food in front of him, his humble surrounding, the hut. A village man, who has once come in chasing dream, is now a part of this city, a part of speed, all except his flute and customary dhoti. The dizzy sound travels up, to the fifth floor terrace, to the sad man and sadder woman, to the sadists, to the dying and to the dead. It climbs up like veins. His is a life, with its own brands of pain and love, not demanding, the way sometimes this city extracts. The days and nights extract a man. He hauls out others or vise versa. A sound disappears in sleep, becomes a village in the vale, where dreams move like sheep. ~© 2009 - All Rights Reserved Kushal Poddar.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2009

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Date: 6/9/2009 5:03:00 AM
Welcome to PoetrySoup. I am hoping to read many more poems written by you. Love, Carol
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