A Silent Wish
As we sit looking out over
weary western skies,
breathing in the solitude
of twilight’s scented breeze,
remembering the passing day
and dreaming of spring flowers
waiting just around the bend
I see the evening’s first star
appear beyond the barren maples
above a drowsy horizon,
an opal on a deep violet canvas,
a single heartbeat pulsating
in the late winter heavens,
and I make a silent wish
Chilly winds waft through the fields,
their quiet rush flowing
in tempo with this celestial heartbeat,
when you take my face in your
silken hands and kiss me,
sweeter than rose petal pudding,
taking my breath completely away
Then resting your head
on my shoulder you sigh telling me
I am everything you have ever wished for
and you will love me forever,
when I feel three heartbeats forming as one
and glancing up at that star once more
I whisper, “thank you”
For A Star’s Heartbeat poetry contest
Sponsored by Chantelle Anne Cooke
Copyright © Chris Green | Year Posted 2020
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