A Sense of Balance
A sense of balance is all I need to cope,
so I don’t hang myself with a rope.
I’ve got to get a grip on life and keep my sanity.
God can’t save me if I don’t have serenity.
Nourishing nutrition is necessary.
A light diet is right, so I don’t have a coronary.
Exercise excites blood flow, so muscles move me.
Remember there’ll be brain drain with too much TV.
No alcohol to infest my body and impair judgment.
Mind won’t be in a grind so I can write well and not lament.
Learn from books and others as I don’t know it all.
Hard knocks of life lessens mistakes, so I don’t fall.
So what else is there to tell?
Well, the weekend is here and I want to hear the church bell toll.
Pray a lot and purify my heart with the psalms of the Lord.
Sense of balance gone if I don’t hang onto His Word.
Copyright © Raj Napal | Year Posted 2016
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