A Scientific Discovery
A great discovery has been found,
It’s a wonderful scientific fact,
That chocolate now is good for you,
The Nobel prize is worthy of that
Chocolate was seen as the enemy,
Saying it would forever be on the hips.
Well that doesn’t bother me any more,
So long as I can taste it on my lips.
Eating chocolate before a meal,
I'd be inclined to eat less at dinner,
Which according to my calculations,
Could make me look a bit thinner.
If raisins or cherries are chocolate covered,
Then they should be counted as fruit,
Dieticians recommend three fruits a day,
I agree, and gladly say ,“you beaut”.
There’s no Chocolate Anonymous for addicts,
No organization will ever be found;
Having tasted it, no one wants to quit.
While delicious creamy chocolate is around.
Now knowing that chocolate is good for me,
I can begin my happy, healthy start,
And open up the chocolates I have hidden,
Because science says I need it for my heart.
Copyright © Vivien Wade April 2013
Copyright © Vivien Wade | Year Posted 2017
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