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A Sad State of Affairs With a Glimmer of Hope

Will we ever be free from a world of crime, murder and poverty. This is a real but sad state of affairs and is reality today. I just heard of another stabbing there has been so many lately, it makes you feel bitter inside as you think how can they get away with such an evil act and hide, but it is a fact that some dissapear for many a year. It makes you feel that there is no hope to help the world to really cope, but did you know there is something to look forward to a time when all these evil acts will be a thing of the past, and peace & Security will reside on the earth at last. You may wonder and ask how can this be, surely it is just a dream. Well very soon you will see that life in a new world will be a reality. As our God above is the personification of Love and he will really act and intervene in world events and this is something that will be awesome,fear inspiring and immence. He will usher in a new world of righteous ones wanting to serve their God above and show peace to one another and love. What, you might say do we have to do to get there. Well let me tell you read and learn from God's Word and observe the pages as you proceed take heed of your spiritual need as by this you will greatly feed and satisfy your soul. We need to repent and change our ways as the written word of God says, Although imperfect we maybe if genuinely repentant this our Loving God will see as our hearts he can set us free from all the stress and anxiety. Pray for guidance in life to do good and shun the bad and true happiness can be had that is not for a moment but a lasting joy as you learn God's ways and want to please him every day. May you take on board this word and apply it in full accord and you will be shown the way to a happy life now, and beyond into the future as we see a world that is new, something to look forward too.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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