A Sad Poet
My lover is gone, whom will I love now?
I am in anguish for I have no one to strengthen and pamper me with love like my lover.
I have no one to hold, kiss and caress at the park and at night.
I have veered off-course for she used to keep me in one direction.
It’s hard to sleep at night with the smell of her scent on the sheets.
My apartment is now a mausoleum, her garments and accessories; souvenirs.
I have arranged our date photos in sequence on the wall just like the photos of the way of the cross.
Will I love again? Who will I love? Who will I find to love me?
Is my heart my an empty shell?
Who will hold me the way my lover used to?
Who will knit my heart’s shattered pieces?
Who will salvage my heart from the quicksand of loneliness?
My heart is in anguish and my soul’s wailing since the departure of my lover.
Copyright © Elias Mwangi | Year Posted 2023
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