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A Rounded Stone

If you give a man… a rounded stone He throws it at something If you give a woman… a rounded stone She grinds grain to make bread If you give a man… a clock He takes it apart to see how it works If you give a woman… a clock She displays it on the mantle If you give a man… a full can of trash He tries to cram one more piece into it If you give a woman… a full can of trash She empties it If you give a man… the phone He says, “I’ll call them back,” and never does If you give a woman… the phone She talks for hours and hours and hours… If you give a man… a piece of land He turns it into a recreation area If you give a woman… a piece of land She creates a beautiful garden of colors If you give a man… a new car It becomes his pride and joy If you give a woman… a new car She drives it until it stops If you give a man… a bunch of pillows He throws them on the floor If you give a woman… a bunch of pillows She piles them on the bed If you give a man… a piece of gold He locks it away boxed and labeled If you give a woman… a piece of gold She proudly wears it for display If you give a man… a pair of shoes He needs to break them in If you give a woman… a pair of shoes She needs an entire new outfit If you give a man… hope He suddenly strives to be his best If you give a woman… hope Her attitude is one of belief In this we are the same, and with faith we will prevail… together.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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