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A Ride In Dylan's Voice

Woke up this morning on the wrong side of the tracks. Left out leaving for all the right reasons and all the wrong facts. Caught a ride with a traveling preacher in a beat up van. Said he was on his way to heaven, but he had to stop first in the promise land. Said he left town before he got caught robbing Peter to pay Paul. I told him I just left Peter in a bar room called The Dead Rooster on the phone trying to call the law. Passed a church with a sign outside said they was "World Shakers". He said, "There ain't nothing in there but vipers, fakers and takers." And the only thing shaking is a doggie bag in Judas' hand. A plate full of leftovers from a supper he couldn't stand. While the other hand is in the pockets of the widows and the working man. Looks like redemption done went up. Use to be thirty pieces of silver, now it's ten percent and above. I guess that's what it costs now for a Leer jet and true love. They've replaced prophets for profits that they hold so dear. With motivational speakers and cons to tickle their ears. While the fools in the pews watch their sons and their daughters and their so called better halves. Dance naked to take the head off the voice crying in the wilderness in front of golden calves. They say they read the book least they should fall. But what they're really doing is looking for other gates to heaven and loopholes in the law. Then he changed the subject started talking about a dude named Daniel in some lion's den. Said he got lucky cause the King called him his friend. He went into the future and seen some writing on the wall. It was in a confessional on some filthy bathroom stall. Then he said something I'll never remember or understand. About Daniel and John the Beloved the revelating man. He said, "Great Babylon is going to fall, just take a look around. Anything that can be shaking will be shaking, you better get to higher ground." Sodom and Gomorrah ain't got nothing on this place. The end is around the corner, that's the facts you gotta face. Don't look to D.C. or to Hollywood they got caught with their pants down. They been preaching for years to the masses now you don't hear a sound. Got people screaming in the streets with pink hats on their heads. Letting their seed pass through the fires of Molech, it's for freedom they said. Watch the zombies shuffling down Zombie Street with technology in their hand. They won't know what to do, cause they didn't read the plan. Things are going to get bad before they get good. People will be standing in line trying to buy bread with a bag of gold if they could. The churches have been telling us when the horn blows they'll be watching from the stands. But they might be in the thick when the tribulation hits the fan. Then he lit a cigarette and looked at me. And said, "Son I'm just telling you the truth so you'll be set free." I started feeling funny and told him you can let me off here. I ain't been to Sunday school in a whole lotta years. He handed me a Bible and said, "You ain't gonna find any peace above the ground. Wake up and close your eyes for the Kingdom is at hand and all around." Told me to take the word and hide it in my heart. Cause there is a beast in this world and wants to tear you apart. Said take that bread that's in your hand, eat it and later you'll understand. So when I got back home, I did just what that hippie preacher said. That book didn't taste real good, but I sure felt fed. "The times they are-a-changin'." - Bob Dylan "A time will come when instead of Shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats." - Charles Spurgeon 10/6/18

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 3/21/2020 3:33:00 AM
Hope he was dropping that money off for some good cause, you have to live it Dylan style to understand it all, one brilliant write . . . : )
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Date: 10/6/2018 10:43:00 AM
dang dude that's another good one
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