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A Relationship

Seriously questioning my own judgement how could I have chosen you as my soul mate; When look back to relation find I've ignored some obvious signs. Probably, I was looking through lens of my desires, fully obsessed by own passionate feelings; Many times as soul mate fail to ask question, " Why so numb?" Yes, that was my fault when immersed in great joy of passion, failing to ask very basic thought does he feel the same passionate way as I feel about him. Over period, I've observed you don't feel the urge of meeting with me, even for days always, give evasive replies, if I ask about long absence. Just don't understand, how you don't feel at all a long gap without hearing from you creates many unwanted negative thoughts in mind about well being. Don't you feel I need to see you sometime; don't know where do I stand; do you have some feeling for me, think what’s my expectations from you about our future? My questions on our relationship, you just ignore or answer with vagueness; never know when I'll see you again; Don't think we can build a relationship. ~X~X~X~
(Poetic Form :: Loose Sapphic) There are variations of the Sapphic Stanza; the Loose Sapphic form created by Marie Marshall. The form is composed over four lines, the first three being hendecasyllabic (a line of verse having eleven syllables) and the fourth being pentasyllabic (Having five syllables). The focus is on syllabic meter rather than accentual giving the poet more room to explore poetical device and grammatical schema within the verse structure. Rhyme Pattern: Unrhymed Using ‘X’ to represent each syllable the schema of the Loose Sapphic form can be shown as thus: X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Pasted from Thanks to Mr Lawrence Eberhart for the resource at Poets COLLECTIVE Site.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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