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A Prayer For Reformation In America

Dear God, on this Reformation Day, I pray for a reformation in America. The founders of our nation, acknowledged you as Creator, God, and trusted you to preserve and, prosper the nation they established. Though imperfect, they did their best, To establish a nation based on, Judeo-Christian principles. They knew that righteousness exalts, but sin is a reproach to a nation. Because of your gracious providence, Our nation has prospered greatly. As Alexis de Tocqueville observed, “America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.” As a nation, we have departed, from your righteous principles, and evicted you from public life. We have replaced you with other gods. Baal, the god of material prosperity, Ishtar, the goddess of sexuality, and Moloch, who demands child sacrifices. We have erected a statue of Baal. He is represented by a bull, and we have placed him in the heart, of our Financial Capital, the symbol of our national prosperity. Ishtar has invaded our culture. She who in ancient times was the goddess, of prostitution, of war and destruction. She was male and female in one body, And claimed the power to turn, A man into a woman and, A woman into a man. Her worship involved male and female prostitution. The male priests dressed as women and performed sexual acts with other men. Her impact on our culture has been devasting. She took her stand at Stonewall and, erected her temple above the Lion’s Head. When ancient Israel turned away from God, she sacrificed her children to Moloch. Similarly, America today is sacrificing her children to Moloch. Millions of children are being sacrificed, to Moloch through abortion. You punished your chosen people Israel, when they turned their backs on You. And you will punish America too. This is why I am praying that You. Please bring reformation to this nation. In the name of Jesus, I come against the god of materialism. If it takes natural or man-made disasters to turn us back to You, then do it. Rescue this nation from the vise grip of materialism. I come also against Ishtar, and her abominable manifestations, perversions, and worship practices. Drive out her merchants from your church, and cause your ministers and people, to take a stand against her. Deliver those who have been seduced By her pernicious ways and corrupted by her perverted practices. In the name of Jesus, I come against Moloch. I am asking you to help our nation, to value life over death. Reverse this culture of death, that has invaded our culture. It is not only the life of the unborn that is not valued but life, period. Dear God, I pray that there will, be a revival of righteousness, in the United States of America. Restore our reverence for You. Revive our respect for your commandments. I pray not that you restore them, to the walls of our schools, courthouses and government buildings, but that you will write them on our hearts and help us to live by them. Reform the preaching in our churches. Instead of motivational speeches, cause our preachers to proclaim the true Gospel of Salvation. Calling upon men and women to turn from sin and turn to God. Cause Christians to stop compromising, Your principles to fit in with the culture. Instead, strengthen them to live by Your Word. Help them to be the “salt of the earth,” and exert a preserving influence on society. Our nation is in a deplorable state, Lord, and things are getting worse by the day. Progressive ideologies have put our nation on a path to perdition. Returning to you is our only hope of salvation. So, hear my prayer, O Lord, and bring reformation to America.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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