A Post To a Ghost
What's a matta Rick?
Get tired or sick
Bored of your board?
The chore you adored
Now left for a ghost
No more here to post
Left for all but dead
Did you lose your head?
Did ya fugeddaboutit?
can't get a "roundtuit?"
Left it high
Left it dry
Go outta your mind?
Get lost in time?
On to greener pastures
Where the flora and fauna grow faster
"The grass isn't always greener
Where the septic tank is cleaner..."
A bit of advice amorphous
From the wise old Greek, Erroneous
Mayhaps thou art a lurkin'
Packin' prose perniciously perkin'
Mr. Robot's radar is workin'
Are you in a gerkin?
Didst thou lose thy quill of tales?
Choo Choo train gone off its rails?
Tall ship lost its sails?
Out huntin' great white whales?
Not a victim of skull-duggery?
Or engaged in some fool-buggery?
Anon, get thee to a nunnery!
I but jest, a bit of funnery!
If you're hangin' with the fairies
Ya best have a care, be wary
They're a tricky little kind
They'll mess with your mind
And before ya even know it
You're a mad mushroom poet...
Copyright © Jeff W. Watson | Year Posted 2021
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