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A Poetic Pearl

Do not say you are imperfect or untrue there is nothing that presides your virtue despite what age defects and wrinkles you are a royal vessel loaded with crystals Once Auden said in glorification of Yeats he survived every calamity that hard beats by his talent of poetry that brought him every rarity healing herb, perfume, Arabian pearls of unique variety. Grey hairs in your pockets are just a token For those who were and are by life broken Maturity and brilliance are great true evidence Why sorrows and wrinkles have decorated your skin. Your aches and pains are by your words healed And also those of who suffer in their lives and dread Like thin rains, they drizzle hearts so frustrated And wake the roots of virgin jasmine and pretty marigold you are not an estate or property of your own You are a flowing oasis of verse for everyone a unique sun that lights, fascinates and warms hearts that are for love so aspiring and greatly athirst.. A Poem by Lateef Shareef Dhmayd. Iraq.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 4/9/2019 12:12:00 PM
Hello Latif Dhmavd,so nice to meet you. Latif your last verse speaks to me, and i am sure to other poets and poetess. Have a nice day my friend.
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Date: 4/8/2019 9:30:00 AM
It is an interesting poem, poets, by their words never grow old.. they are like oases always flow love, kindness, intimacy and freshness.
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry