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A Phenomenon

Lightning strikes, and thunder roars As torrential rain pours and pours Down constantly on window panes, Flooding rivers and blocking drains. Dark clouds are gathering in the sky. As the flood water is getting high, Causing debris and falling trees To float down roads with speed and ease. This storm looks like it is here to stay, Its force has caused all trees to sway Rivers swell, streams overflow When this will stop, only nature can know. Buildings and homes are sad and lost. This horrendous storm has come at a cost. All possessions and human life, Are under pressure, filled with strife. Why are we all so insistent? Thinking the world can't turn without human existence. We are the slaves of nature every day, No matter how we think or what we say. It's a no-contest situation. Mathematics isn't optional in this equation.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 12/27/2023 2:39:00 PM
I ditto what Mr Wolf says Mrs Hawkins….we are definitely in the hands of nature! Mrs M xx
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Date: 12/24/2023 7:22:00 PM
Great message, Shirley. So true: We come and go; the ocean, the skies, they last for millenia.... Why more people don't listen to and heed this is beyond me. ~ Senor no comprehende
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