A Peaceful Dwell Sq
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Within peace we dwell, in His Holy words,
A wishing well of Heavens flocking herds.
The Prince of Peace who does excel,
In His Holy words, within peace we dwell.
We seek tranquility, within His lasting Light,
And upon His humility we do ignite.
For His words are spoken with great gentility,
Within His lasting Light, we seek tranquility.
A calmness comes, amidst His blessful bliss,
Hearts beating like drums after an Angel’s kiss.
In His presence, we are with tangled tongues,
Amidst His blessful bliss, a calmness comes.
Oh Prince of Peace, touch our sacred Soul,
Ignorance to release, making the body whole.
Within your humble harmony, we do cease,
Touch our sacred Soul, oh Prince of Peace.
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Copyright © Winged Warrior | Year Posted 2019
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