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A Parallel Universe

Imagine if there was a parallel universe Somewhere out there in space Other humans exactly like us Living in the same time same place This might spook a whole lot of people Not me, I think it'd be great To meet my alter ego in person To ask questions of my parallel mate Find out if he's sad when I'm down Or happy, when I'm over the moon Or what he thinks of the world's conflicts Does he nap in the afternoons There's a million questions I'd have for him Like what's all this madness about Does he have a cure for the ills of the world Is our time on this planet running out There must be other forms of life out there They'd probably look strange to humans Maybe they're still at a primitive stage But we're all still part of the plan

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 10/6/2022 6:12:00 PM in a wakened 'dream'....sometimes one can see past/through moments and world experience appears 'time-capsuled' ....i luv mathematics-science....mmmhaha haaa......(cof)...stan sand
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Jack Ellison
Date: 10/7/2022 4:20:00 AM
So you're a mathematics-science guru and I'm a creative-innovative guru...mmmhaha haaa......(cof)!
Date: 10/5/2022 2:17:00 PM
When I contemplate the theory you put forward I hope that they have found way to live without greed or hate or envy or evil. Wouldn't it be nice to know that there is a place like that somewhere? Your poem intrigued me Jack. I am still thinking about it and probably shall, all day. Not a quandary Jack ! Just thinking about your delightful poem.
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Jack Ellison
Date: 10/5/2022 4:06:00 PM
Sorry I put you in a quandary dear Wendy! LOL How are you sweet thing... happy stuff heading your way from Canada! Yummy love from me to you! XOXOX
Date: 10/5/2022 9:06:00 AM
I, too, have wondered this, Jack. See, great minds run in the same vein. Enjoyed it immensely. Keep lookin'.
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Jack Ellison
Date: 10/5/2022 9:31:00 AM
Two great minds eh!!! Have a great day my friend!

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