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A NOTE FROM MALCOLM My advice is free, and time’s not billable Try speaking French and I will soon know Don’t claim a local or a provincial accent It really does not sound as if heaven-sent Nor a comment heard such as il fait beau As the accent is always on the last syllable As a teacher, these things do really matter One must develop that Gallic look as well Sometimes that simple shrug just says it all From Southern Pyrenees up North to Gaul Whether from Paris or le Midi, one can tell In some regions, the vowels do sound fatter So, let us practice the deep grunting sounds And don’t forget all those hand gestures too But accents can apply to letters when written Cedillas, acute or grave never seen in Britain Where just the plain and simple words will do Whilst pretty perfume accents do the rounds

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 12/5/2023 5:40:00 AM
very interesting ..... I drifted away from French after high school retaining only the need to find a bathroom
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