A None Existing Father
You can't miss what never exist
From time of birth you were never around.
Once you do come around.
Your treatment become a pass around
From one chick to another like a harlot house of practice.
You tell your lies for attention and to get laid.
You win they heart and they tell you they need to get paid.
While mother have no clue of your actions in display.
For to me you don't exist for you are a fraction display.
I do not miss you for you are a none existing father.
I am happyer without you then being around you.
Every men around you been living they life like you.
And abuse innocent lives mentally and emotionally.
Doing your dirty deed the same as you.
from my son father and Lord knows who else you plague.
You are a none existing father and happyer without you.
Copyright © Nagella Jean-Baptiste | Year Posted 2019
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