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A Nirvana Sunrise and Matt Amish

A Nirvana Sunrise and Matt Amish Cat whiskers, pen, notebook. Brain flowing with ideas blending with hazelnut coffee drenched scents. Soft notes of Miles Davis ride the air. Sitting here in complete divine joy! Grandson goes to human school soon. How I prayed to God for this! As I was penning for many nights, Under God's kindly, summer moon. Keep all poets loving and happy! Our own Matt Amish gone to great eternity in the blue skies. To play on God's own baseball diamond. What a great way to open this MLB season!                             July 24, 2020                  2pm PST

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 7/25/2020 1:17:00 PM
Hello Panagiota, I am not a baseball fan.But for those that are it is a great way to open the season. Hugs Darlene xxxx-oooo
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 7/26/2020 12:33:00 PM
Hello Panagiota, yes that is sad to have cut out as fans watching the game With sound tracks of cheering. so sad. Enjoy your day my friend. Hugs Darlene xxx-oooo.
Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/25/2020 1:36:00 PM
Its odd this year. No people at the game...just cardboard life size cutouts in the stands. I found that to be very sad. And piped in cheering. Sad to me. I love hockey and have met famous hockey players. They are great dudes! From Canada, yes)) Pangie xx
Date: 7/24/2020 2:08:00 PM
Kids need normality in their lives, good news his school is reopening, sad about Matt Amish, I didn't know him but from comments I've seen he was a fine poet and friend to many. Tom
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Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/24/2020 2:30:00 PM
Kids cannot be locked up. Mainly, not all parents have all their marbles. Their are whole cities here in the US with goofy and violent parents. These kids are the future of the USA? Good-luck. I knew Matt briefly from baseball comments we had in Poetry. He was very sweet. In our city, private school is opening. Public? Not a chance. It's so sad Tom. Pangiexx

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