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A Nice Winter

Deeply reaching the edge of the ocean I do not feel the need for forgiveness although I regret Revenge a tool for the weaklings will never affect me A bloodthirst animal is what I came to feel like A never ending cycle reaching towards authority and recognition Past fears are the waste of times I'm trying to gain back I know they want to be my friend but the animal spirit Showed me what happens to those who settle, an easy take down. I wanted to show him affection but it's the wrong time for any of this, you believe in love and I too but I hardly imagine a world in it now. Where were you 3 years ago? That time I longed for a kiss that time your warm arms would have made me whole; now I am a fighter never willing to negotiate or compromise and ready to die, divide or annilihate I will forget about love and reach the skies I want to take everything and replenish that burning fire inside me and anything in my way to freedom shall surely die. But I wish you the best...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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