A Moment of Love
October moon shine,
Full-orbed as you were,
Breaking thru the pine,
Stir not yonder beacon, past.
Your veil of light,
Quietly doeth shine,
As if taken flight,
Slumber upon the eyes, gleaming.
Slumber beseech thy breast,
Full and fresh incite,
Above thy mountain crest,
Awaken your bed of pleasure, woe.
Give love where love taketh,
Be rich in your pleasure,
Show thy body bareth,
With skin so smooth and soft, rose petals cover.
Essence of your body fair,
Streaming sweat glistens,
Incense floating in the air,
A moan a groan taken in the night, silence.
Another night of being with you,
Another moment of love,
Rest your perch of view,
While the skies shine above.
Copyright © Kenneth Fordham | Year Posted 2008
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