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A Million Reasons

A million words can bring you back, I know because I've tried. A million tears can't bring you back, I know because I've cried. A million hugs and kisses, What you gave when you were here. A million stories, a million things, You told to calm our fears. A million days, a million hours, Go by as you are gone. A million secrets from the past, Is what we dwell upon. A million ways you told us things, When we were feeling down. You turned our sad face right side-up, When we had on a frown. A million things to think about, Like why you were the chosen. A trillion people in this world, And chose you for his token And so the day of your birth, Approaches us with grief. The first time we'll celebrate it, Without you to speak. So now you will watch us high, From heaven by and by. I'll hurry up and finish this, Before we start to cry. Although your presence is no more, To love, to care, to mend, Grandma just remember that, Our love will never end.... In loving memory of my grandma Gertrude "DUTCH" Tittler 1923-2001 We love and miss you every day!!!!! Gone but never forgotten..... Written by: Christina Rodriguez December 2001

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 9/18/2017 1:40:00 PM
Beautiful tribute
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Date: 9/18/2017 2:45:00 AM
May she rest in peace. Nice piece.
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Book: Shattered Sighs