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A Migrants Heart

I kept drifting, drifting, drifting, I wasn’t sure where I was going but I kept drifting. The winds set in my back spinning around my new frock and I kept drifting. I kept focusing ahead of me hoping to find some company but the empty street with grey dust spinning around stared courageously at me and a long dog hopping around sniffing on the ground, looking for something to eat and barking at its own shadow reflecting in the glass door attached to the grocery store. The naked light post stands solemnly at the corner rocking to and fro, they too did not know which way to go and the solitary street lingers along while I drift with destiny holding my hand. The skies suddenly get dark and the old lark sitting on top of the tree start flying around furiously crashing into the window pane ripping off the fragile roof busting up the boards and throw the occupants out the door but I kept drifting. I wander from town to town searching all around but I could not find a single soul that was willing to hold on to my crown and I kept drifting. Suddenly there was a strange sound ringing all over the town and a large body of water sprang from the ground, it rushed through the street and swallowing everything in its path and I kept drifting. Lightning and thunder bellows over the hill and burn a field full of daffodils and rain came down with a vengeance and wash away the field and the burnt daffodils down the battered hill. And I kept drifting. I didn’t know where I was going but I kept following the radar moving ahead of me as I make headway to the village. There was no sign of life in the village; everyone has gone underground the animals were driven out of the town and, the bleating sheep and the neighing horse lie quietly in the dark, chewing and I kept drifting. My destination was not clear and I kept skipping from tree to tree, slamming into light post and ripping trees out of the ground breaking branches and sending them on roof tops, I climb up the hill and rip up power lines throwing transmitters around and I kept drifting. The sturdy roof was so hard to break through so I dive in the earth and pick up some dirt and play havoc on a hundred and ten roofs. I bust up doors smashed window pane and cut off communication with the heavens I walked through the church and fill the place with water and dirt I soaked the musical instrument and fill the pulpit with mud and sand and I kept drifting. I sat down for a while and look towards the mountain, then I circle around and cover the town and brought the entire town to the ground and spill darkness all around. When the damage was done I filled the street and houses with water and drifted slowly out of the town. I will return so prepare your silk night gown and a brand new home.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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