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A Lovely Lively Seafood Restaurant

Grey is an in-between colour that is most secretive in a window smudge. But when the cleaning cloth arrived it simply disappears then reappears when the cloth has left. Thus leaving a very grey mass. Mass minds make monotonous mindsets. Like a stereo audio vision from a tablecloth which does not allow free forming breath from tables. No look. The tablespoons are gathering in protest for they have not been used fir over a decade. And see them standing upright on the work top. Sparkling. Looking fresh. But unwanted by yogurt eaters who much prefer smaller spoons to eat with. Oh dear. Now they are making a huge banner with the piece of bread that was left out to make breadcrumbs with. That should cause a stir shouldn't it. Painting on water that was soaking a pan. They manage to get yellow and orange colours. Fir the turmeric and oil mix a fine paste. They write use us or lose us upon the bread. Then they clang together. And jump up and down. Making clatter bang noises on the side board. The humans were confused by all the commotion. But ignoring was ignorant and ignorant was enticed by mass indoctrination given out by the ninety thousand pieces of ready made meals wrapped in plastic paper that was placed by the chef prawn, chef turtle man, a fish chef and a Christmas pudding shaped cook. These ran the worldwide restaurants for the cutlery. And mingled with jingles on a avenues, adverts on tubes, aerial ceramic cereal bowls, planes, buses and billboards. Laughing whale takes incredible delight in killing off the plankton. For plankton are neither planks, plonkers, nor indigestible infrastructures of information. And so it was. The little pretty crabs gather in their dainty dresses to await the lobster and accompany him to his one billion acre yacht which sailed around and around in a tea cup sea. And all the sea horses giggled as their time would arrive and pedicures were evidently expected and experienced as well as ski ing, tobogganing, and other athletic pursuits plus a large tennis court, golf course, garden, underwater spa arena, and a frog dancing show with the headliners of the roads. Great isn't it. Now grab ten pickles and dance around the lawn. Hahaha the entire elements emulsify emissions. Hahaha lecherous leaf lingering lumbering linguistically. Hahaha dish if cream bathing in a whirlpool bath. Xxxx dilapidation z z z z z z in a crystalised zenith sphere of saturated salted sugary slugs. Z

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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