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A Love In Contrast

"There beyond the fragments lays the Big Dripp!" The headlines read the Big Dripp Losses in Japan. I never thought we'd hear from him again. His oppoents is said to have been paid to rough him up to make him shut up. But the guy won the rematch nights later in Japan: to the dismay of many people in the industry. Again another company seeing his weakness signed there champion against the external sponsored enitity. The match was only promoted for one month:but it was a pay per view sensation. The main event match wasn't even the match The Big Drip was in. He had the Worlds Champion on the middle card with people around the World interested. The Worlds champion lost at 31;49 and the secondary title was slated to be recogniuzed under the newly Ultra United worlds Championship which the Big Drip left the areana with. Before the main event was even announced in the areana the Big Drip had secured a spot on an independent wrestling shows live broadcast. He challenged the last remaining challenge to the external company's challenge. He mde many in the industry angry! People and some audeince memebers didn't like what they saw. They had taught there people to aspire to be greatest in the Major leagues and these indeoendent start-ups came along and disrupted the dlow of business. What awaited The Big Drip was the largest Comapny in the Wrestling Entity, they saw the fly's circling around the pile and would somehow find a rememdy to the problem. Removing the source and the attraction seemed to be how the remaining obstacle would approach handling The Era of the Big Drip. Once his challenges were complete the independant sponser would fully be revealed. Turning th Wrestling World on it's end didn't seem to be a smart idea, but it had worked. But to many these new reporters and audeinces were outsiders to the industry only coming in to see this new spectcl which could only be a spot along a down side to were people would loss interest in competitive entertainment and would look to this redision of sports wrestling as something fabbish and only a cheap pop spot.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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