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A Long Life Road

Our life is a real drama In such a colorful gamma. Our life is just a moment, Sometimes with a torment. Just have enough patience To keep good relations, To love truly and forgive. You won’t believe But today I cried away. Someone thought it was a shame, Someone comforted, didn’t blame, Someone said: life goes on, Someone dies and some are born. You only need desperately to repent, With your heart to be in consent. Make it a blessed event! But it was not a simple lament. Yes, the tears I couldn’t prevent. The most intimate understood Whom today we buried, Whom today we have lost And what is the life’s cost. A month ago she was ninety five But her eyes were always alive. She was intellectual and clever, No one could ever say she was old. So many people her heart could hold. Yes, she was only ninety five, But even those who were twenty five Came to her for advice. Just to chat with her was so nice. We did not dare to say “a crone”, No one heard her moan. We say: she had a long life road. But is it enough to solve its code? The war, the loss of her son… Years and years were far from fun. Thank God a daughter was bestowed. Since then her life has mellowed. But then a new grief – widowed. At the funeral many words were said Because she was truly loved And in our souls she will never be dead. It hurts to lose a true friend. We’ll miss you dear on this land. So, live in our memories and in the heavens, Always young in the mind and in appearance! Larisa Rzhepishevska

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 11/25/2012 1:34:00 PM
Such mellow sadness from a green-eyed beauty... loved it... Terry
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Date: 11/25/2012 1:09:00 PM
Larisa Loved it from start to end....David
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Date: 11/25/2012 11:13:00 AM
WONDERFUL WRITE WITH A TOUCH OF SADNESS,check out my Missing You,Larisa loved it
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Date: 11/23/2012 9:40:00 AM
Oh the trials and tribulations of life, you touch on many here Larisa, and you'll touch many with your sentiment... this is a wonderful poem, and you are a gem to have written it....
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Larisa Rzhepishevska
Date: 11/25/2012 10:03:00 AM
Thank you so much for understanding. Love and hugs and warmest wishes, Larisa

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry