A Lonely House in the Steppe - 2
A Twist of Fate
Can a single action change destiny’s flow?
A friend called him up just yesterday, you know.
It had been ages since they last met,
Memories stirred, and their hearts were all set.
After some chatter, sharing their woes,
The longing sided, as friendship still grows.
With a story to tell, his friend pulled him near,
A surprise in the air, something to hear.
There’s news that’s a secret to share,
By the phone no secrets laid bare.
Had fate brought them closer, just by chance?
Would they reconnect, or was it mere circumstance?
Qusayin bought a ticket, it was necessary to take,
His dear friend had called, and he felt it was fate.
He left behind luggage, a thought on his mind,
But on boarding the plane, he felt it unwind.
Forgetting an item, he sensed something wrong,
A sign of misfortune, a feeling so strong.
Not one for omens or superstitious lore,
So he turned to the future, not looking back anymore.
In the Embrace of Thoughts
Drifting deep in thought, Qusayin fell asleep,
His plane soared high, through skies vast and steep.
But the weather turned foul, rain started to pour,
The airport below was now troubled and sore.
They couldn’t land as the storm raged around,
Late for their arrival, no safe landing found.
The plane changed course, heading back in the sky,
To Egypt’s great city, where troubles would lie.
The flight attendants spoke till their voices grew hoarse,
Fear crept through the crowd, a shadow, a force.
Would they reach the next airport, fuel running low?
Worries among passengers began to grow.
Suddenly, the plane took a sharp dive,
In such moments, who can hope to survive?
With their last words, they cried out in dread,
But somehow the aircraft landed, they said.
Amazingly smooth, where could they be now?
Had they found an airstrip somehow, someway?
In a flash, all the trials were left far behind,
Was it God’s grace that had helped them unwind?
Copyright © Aibek Kalmaganbetov | Year Posted 2025
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