A Little Place Called Bellingham
Hey there Timmy can I please use u'r bike
U see mine aint no good and it's my turn to race
Hell ya U said
With that cool ass smile on u'r face
Took that bad ass stroker in for a first
Screams for me, from U, started to BURST
A friend on my side for the very first time
Made me feel like a rich kid, while I hadn't a dime
We should have taken Ronny's Cougar
We should have taken that chance
O who am I kidding,
I still can't even dance
We made a promise to ourselves
Seems it's been delayed
Sometimes promises take awhile
While other foundations are laid
We were gonna have a band
We were gonna live off the land
Have U forgotten those crazy dreams
I think it was somewhere north,somewhere called Bellingham
I've not forgotten U
Still remember all the crazy things we planned to do
Little Timothy Rider
Been a long time since I've seen the likes of U
Do U remember too,all the things we were gonna do
I think it was a place called Bellingham
Yes a little place called Bellingham
Copyright © Marc Pallanes | Year Posted 2018
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