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A Little Off

nothing seems to work out the way i have it planned when the crowd sits down that's when i decide to stand things always seem to go a tad bit different for me just a tick or two off from what's considered life's normal beat when they're no longer taking questions that is when i raise my hand when they ask for women volunteers i stand up like a man people often wonder exactly what it is that continually brings about this life of quirkiness my friends, they ask quite often is there a cure for what i do 9 out of 9 doctors surveyed say they don't have a clue guess i'll continue living life the way it is i am as long as i'm happy with it i see no need to try and understand

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 4/18/2019 9:49:00 AM
Nothing wrong with moving to the beat of a different drummer. Have a great day. Nice poem.
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