A Life That's Lived
A LIFE THAT'S LIVED by Brandy Jean Pryor
We live life for the fight
Never knowing if we are right
We just take off and go
Not knowing if we are darkening our soul
Living for only tomorrow
Brings us only turmoil and deep sorrow
Live in the now as the Buddhists say
To ward off premonitions of each future day
Feel as you feel
Understand you will heal
To know why emotions shine through
Figure it out so as to find the complex being that is you
Not to take that harshly or directed only your way
The complexity I speak of is the truth of all humanity
Born with such wonder and belief
But we grow fearful, cynical and are driven by grief
We each know and love who we are inside
Until someone knows what's better for you so they take the wheel to drive
Never are we taught right from wrong
We feel compassion and guilt within us like a worn out old record song
That we listen to and listen to, to try to understand
The truth begins somewhere,. Retrace your steps, find alone where you stand.
Blessed with free will so as not always to obey
But then we are taught by our parents to always do as they say
It all seems so confusing, contradictory to say the least
So what is truly right, whose beliefs do we preach?
Forget the beliefs of others. The knowledge resides in you
We are all the center of our own universe so you alone know the path for you that's true
Knowledge is power. Put yours to the test.
Expand your imagination, wake your mind’s eye from its rest.
Discover yourself as a young, poor, small, scared child
Return to being that perfect, innocent being for awhile
Find wonder and awe in everything around
Ask why, why, why to every adult that is found
Forget the destination, live life to do what's wrong
In the end just dance to your own rhythm even though we are all listening to the same song.
Copyright © Brandy Pryor | Year Posted 2020
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