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A Letter To the Humans

We, are your friends We spend each and every day with you including the weekends Become your griots in the night, singing close to your eardrums Our race love to dance, but you pretend to clap at us when our death is what you intend How distasteful, the way a human pretends Can’t you see, we love you so much that we come kiss your skin We suck your blood so we can be related by kin But you always show us hate with water dust and dirty air that make our heads spin You want our race extinct yet you keep stagnant dirty water, open garbage and trash bins This is a hypocritical irony as you commit major sins Like murdering my mum, suffocated dad and my brother and broke my sister's wing pin Why must you show us so much hate forgetting how long our relationship has been In vengeance, we will stuff you with malaria and watch you fight a war that you can’t easily win You lose sight of the fact that it’s for each other we are made You make dark and dirty dwellings for us and we become the reason why most of your doctors a getting paid So, treat us better when we come close to you or your bed And don’t make the sound of your clap be to the music of our death Until you agree and show us that these our simple rules, you would not bend We shall continue to fight in this bloody war, to the very end. sign: the Quitoes

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 9/26/2017 8:10:00 AM
Powerful first post..Welcome to poetry soup..
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Jaiteh Avatar
Abdoullah Jaiteh
Date: 9/27/2017 4:37:00 AM
Oh thank you so very mch.. i really appreciate this

Book: Reflection on the Important Things