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A Letter From Me To You

a Letter from Me to You, 2010 V. Ortiz Vazquez Bendición. Do you remember the time when you found me? Grounded without a talk. No explanation, just my fault. How can it be? I was so young, yet to learn so much without a talk. There I was naked from the waist down, caught without understanding the rage. There he was older than I yet not too old, still both a child. Was it because of my sex? If I was the boy, how would you have reacted? Proud? Would you have called me “the man?” I won’t say I despise you and/or forgive you. I’m yet to decide whether to thank you. Your actions made of me a woman of disbelief, caution, and mistrust. I hide from the world, hidden I am. I must tell you, I’m a “grown” woman now; thirty-three to be exact. I haven’t thought of you until now. Being busy hiding, being away from reality, the past-present-future; I wonder, are you watching over me? Are you protecting me the way you did so many years ago? Do you guide the angels watching over me? I hope you are…watching that is. Be proud of your by product, misguided granddaughter. You know, until this day I am yet to be talk to about what took place and how it was my fault. Perhaps one day…one day I will be able to remember your face. Your words of wisdom inspire by the queen we women are. One day, I hope to be…no, hear how wrong you were. How you failed to…to protect me. Bendición, Abuelo

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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