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A Korean Appliance Store

I own a Korean appliance store Protestors smashed my front door broke all the windows, trashed the floor then stripped the shelves, but there's more to this story than meets the eye I've always been the friendly neighborhood guy hiring drop-outs, ex-cons, some drunk or high extending bad credit to help folks buy... The damage done just breaks my heart to pick up the pieces, make a brand-new start at my age makes no sense; it's not so smart This neighborhood's signaled: Leave! Depart! But before I go, I'd like to ask a question that my brain does rack -- Why don't they jail criminals in this country Where's justice for shopkeepers, like my wife and me?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 6/2/2020 8:04:00 AM
Nicely written, Gershon. As a CPA who serves mostly small businesses, I know how hard these people work to build their business and it just breaks my heart to see this happen especially since these stores have been closed for the last two months because of the virus. Many will not reopen now. John
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 6/2/2020 7:23:00 PM
You're right, John. It is heartbreaking. America's wonderful at protecting criminals' rights --- not so good at helping or protecting victims... And so it goes... :) Gershon
Date: 6/2/2020 2:44:00 AM
Folks both black and white spend a lifetime building up their business even providing employment for those in their communities. This isn't protest, they couldn't give a hoot what happened to that man. They're criminal scum. Tom
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 6/2/2020 7:22:00 PM
You're right, Tom. Their behavior is 100% criminal, and they should be treated accordingly---not made excuses for by misguided pols and media hucksters. Smiles, Gershon
Date: 6/2/2020 12:39:00 AM
This is a sad but true fact of life. People are crazy when it comes to stuff like that and it has happened all over the world at one time or another. War is war no matter where or when and innocent people are the ones that get hurt. The Freedom Rights in the fifties and sixties in the States were a good example. There was property damage, rape and murder in those Freedom Rights. It was scary, ugly and horrible. A good piece my friend. God Bless and stay well, JB
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 6/2/2020 7:20:00 PM
Well, I just hope that the media doesn't fan this into a race war. Everyone agrees that George Floyd was savagely murdered. His murderer will get life in prison or close thereto. What more can be done? Pleas to end 'systemic racism' are pure pap. The laws forbid racism; yet you can't legislate love. Never could; never will be able to. Hope we don't wind up with martial law either. Don't think 'it can't happen here.' :) gw
Date: 6/2/2020 12:03:00 AM
Long long ago in our place, there was a protest rally against the death of Sadam Hussain.. Iraq is miles and miles away from us.. But still they protest and they thrashed small shops.. The shop keepers were not relatives of Sadam Hussain.. In fact, they don't know who he was? But still the protesters broke the shops.. Most of our protests are like that.. We can't do anything about the cause of our protest.. Still we show our anger to someone who can't resist..Well said Gershon..
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 6/2/2020 7:18:00 PM
To me, what you've described is simply the flaring up of poor souls who are not at peace with life. I suppose it's easy for me to say. But what's all the passion for? The hope of man is but the worm (in the coffin in the ground). ~ Buddha
Date: 6/1/2020 10:28:00 PM
Scary times, doubled. The fiddler still plays. Great write, Gershon. Charlie
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 6/1/2020 10:35:00 PM
Hey, thanks, brother Charlie. Let's stay unafraid! (OK -- sensible, but still unafraid). Fear strikes out, as Jimmy Piersall used to say. Smiles, Gershon
Date: 6/1/2020 9:27:00 PM
It is what it is. The amazing thing is when politicians and the media refuse to take the looters to task for their behavior. When you can't even agree that looting is a bad thing... all hope is lost. Stay well my friend.
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 6/1/2020 9:40:00 PM
Yeah. It's hard to believe, isn't it, David?! At least Trump gets it. He had his first Presidential moment today that he's had in too long a time. I was happy to hear that he'd send the military in, if necessary. Hopefully dogs like Governor Pritzker, et al. will appreciate his help! :) gw
Date: 6/1/2020 9:13:00 PM
Very poignant! I truly felt this. Partly because I run a store where this scenario could become my reality - but also, it is just written so perfectly. Thank you for sharing!
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 6/1/2020 9:39:00 PM
Thank you for the encouragement and your kind words, Robin. I sure hope that this scenario never even comes close to your store, which I imagine is a wonderful place... As for the write, sometimes I get lucky... Welcome again to Poetry Soup! Joy and Light, Gershon

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