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A Kiss of Gratitude

Poet's Notes

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The story is a real story that took place in July 1999 in NC and the Doberman gave birth  to five puppies. She died in January 2005.

A fire started on the two-story house occupied by five people As smoke poured from an upstairs bedroom of the couple Emergency officials responded in time, all the members safe The last to come out was a pregnant Doberman with her kids. The Doberman walked up to the fire fighter, tired and exhausted The fighter knelt down, took off his mask and a camera clicked The doggy looking at the masked must’ve thought of canine kind Or seeing a unknown man the doggy might have his nose sniffed. Now, the firefighter didn’t rescue her, but a simple coincidence A poet has to evince what could have happened for instance. A story went round about this among the sentimental people Granted that the dogs are very grateful and sensible creature. Dogs in no circumstances can behave like this as humans do Except either in a miracle stories or make-believe stories a few. Imagination without learning, has wings and no feet
+++ October 20, 2014 Form: Free Verse ============ ***The story is a real story that took place in July 1999 in NC and the Doberman gave birth to five puppies. She died in January 2005.***The poem is based on the media news

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 10/20/2014 8:41:00 PM
This is a very wonderful poem and story my dear friend Dr. Ram. I like it so much with its words of wisdom. Thank you so much for sharing! I enjoyed! love lots and big hugs, Leonora
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