A Journey To the Mountain (Never Stop Believing) Pt.1
I remember the white only and black only drinking water fountain. I remember the
struggle's of hatred, and last but certian not lease someone close his eye's and
dream-that dream was the answer of the sacrifices and lost of live's during that
inapprobiate turn of the century a perculiar group had to face during, "A journey
to the Mountain." I have a dream, an aftermention that open the close eye's of
racism. The close eye's of a klan that tried to stop the struggle to the mountain.
Didn't want it(the dream)to come true. I remember his speech and today it ring's
a perculiar volume into the ear's of our childrens, a sound they're not hearing be-
cause they have other thing's to do. "I've been to the Mountain Top", and look over
it. And on this journey, I might not get there with you, but now we drink from the
same fountain, in my dream the black, white, red and all the perculiar's above.
It will be his last speech, Martin L. King and the trailblazer's who help shape the
destiny of a dream. Do not scream, but alway's pray, a future generation is coming
loose at the seam.
A journey to the mountain-on this endeavor might a black one become President and
a white one get out and vote, judge him by his character not by the color of his
skin. "A journey to the Mountain", Martin seen it in a dream, do not scream for all
of God childrens is marching to the beat of immortality.
Copyright © John Streeter | Year Posted 2009
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