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A Hint of Seduction

Warm woman of my dreams, fall into my arms, I shall wrap your cravings with persuasive charms. Fingers discover every inch of soft skin; while visions of loving are growing within. Our eyes lit up with the lure of pillow play, whispering of sweet things they will share today. Bodies pulled into our sensual abyss; as we slip spellbound into erotic bliss. Tender kisses wake love out of its slumber; hearts pounding in chests like summer thunder. Captured and bound within our lovers’ embrace; I behold pleasured gestures upon your face. I lay you down as your satin petals spread, aura of pure ecstasy swims in our heads. Low sighs and moans signal of coming release; you shake and scream, “Oh Love, cum with me please!” Desires fulfilled and all passions set free; you are sleeping soundly, lying next to me. We slumber briefly then suddenly awake; again seeking pleasures that make the earth quake. Over and over burst raptures’ eruptions, this love began with a hint of seduction.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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