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A Hard Day To Die Free

A HARD DAY TO DIE FREE Brother come to my side, Come to see a sunshine of a new day A new day of struggling Come to see the sun rays That bears a half grain of hope. Brother let's today be a foundation For tomorrow to build a castle A castle of less isolations and mistreatments A castle that our son will live in harmony and joy Come to my side brother. Come to my side brother, To prepare for that awaited day The hard day to die free The day that you will die while smiling The day that your son will praise you with songs and claps The day that women will cook a delicious meal for their husbands The day that even infants will raise their tongues to speak. Brother its the hard day to die free The day that prisoners will no longer weep The day that grasshoppers will regain their wings to fly The day that ants will shout and make a land leaks Its hard day to die free Brother come to my side Let's prepare for that day THE HARD DAY TO DIE FREE.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 2/28/2017 10:42:00 AM
What a powerful first poem you wrote here. It's very strong. You entered it as lyric, is there music to go with your poem? Or did you write it with music in the background? Welcome to PoetrySoup :)
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