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A Granny Refuses to Age

Life is plainly, totally, undeniably, unfair! Looking in the mirror I screamed, “who stole most of my hair?” I was never Rapunzel, a svelte heroine, locked in a tower, But who dare turned me into Quasimoto’s twin, short and dower? How can I go dancing with my silver amour, Sir Harry Walker? Ghastly obscene ….they would heartily laugh and be gawkers. But, I cannot lie, I desire to be out and have some wild hijinks. Dressing in high boots, short skirts and you bet, lots of winks! I am bored to death, with this “growing old gracefully” stuff! It is dull and droll and far, far worse than chewing snuff.(yuck) Alas, oh sorrowful me, I even failed the eye test at the DMV! And yet, I can spot a handsome hunk,who is six foot three? I even penned a steamy poem for this Christmas Eve! I laughed so hard, I nearly slipped to the floor on my knees There is great beauty and joy in growing old, many say?? I declare~plastic surgery, new hair and throw my walker away! Dedicated to Deb M.. thank you so much! You made me laugh today. You lightened my soul! Many thanks, Pangie xxxxx 12/11/2024

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 12/26/2024 5:40:00 AM
Yeah, growing old is for old people. If you still get turned on by hunks, there's life burning yet. Every day should be a hunk day. Okay, off to the gym now.
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Date: 12/14/2024 6:57:00 PM
A wonderful poem that brightened my day. You continue to wow me with your creativity.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 12/15/2024 1:01:00 PM
I am so glad I brightened your day, Elena. I like it also. Which reminds ne,,,poetry is to ne read aloud. Good poetry or any poetry is simar to musiv. You dont look at music noes do you? You play the music, I do encoudage read a poem nakes a differsnce. I learned that when I was in hospital. A poet who had me read my “ Tribute to Tom Cunningham”..aloud. I cried when I was reading it! @read poetry aloud@ Pangie x
Date: 12/12/2024 5:14:00 PM
This is a laugh riot, Pangie! I think your sense of humor has found the fountain of youth, and the fountain of funny(why not). Quasimoto's twin, lolol!
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 12/12/2024 6:43:00 PM
Golly David,you dont know how happy you made me. This is just my opening act.Just testing the waters, so to speak.I get tired of being serious. I think you know what I mean. But when I wrote The Night Before Christmas, I think all my neighbors heard QUAS, cackling away. Still deciding if the crowd here is ready for Pangie Live in Prime Time? I love to knock people into outer space with a straight face and stun them. They look and act like a deer caught in headlights. I love it.. I should comment like that! roflmao. Here is one I could use now. Man..”well how old are you? ‘Me..” how old do you want me to be?” A deer in the headlights,,betcha! ‘Pangie-Quas’
Date: 12/12/2024 7:57:00 AM
Hi Pangie, life is short so get out there and live your life disgracefully lol. Love your great sense of humour. xx
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 12/12/2024 9:07:00 AM
Thanks John, this was a funm fun write, i see you zdeb and Tom are so suppotibe, and Do appreciate you all know how life ebds suffenlt eveb is we are not old, these days you can walk down the street, go shopping anf crazies morons who don5 like your rekigios dress, or political attire can blow you awar. Thanks to Bidens immigration p,ans we have tons of deaths, I like to have fun, yes. I am equally passionate about out loss offree speech and people who want to weaponize America. They want the good jailed and the evil free, this is all the groups that hate the police., want multiple ssexes, and of course, God… Any site that is leftist has these folk. Yugh. Pangie
Date: 12/11/2024 11:45:00 PM
Pangie firstly l am honoured and touched you dedicated this poem to me. You are hilarious and you crack me up with your humour, honesty and naughtiness!! I also am so happy to read l lightened your soul....that makes me feel really good my friend! This poem made me laugh and lightened my soul also.....thankyou so much Miss Pangie l truly do appreciate this poem and you! Debx
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Deb M
Date: 12/12/2024 1:05:00 AM
Pangie l just love this poem it's soooo funny....l just read it to my husband and we laughed!! Your humour in this poem deserves recognition! Thankyou for your lovely kind words....Debx
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 12/12/2024 12:22:00 AM
Deb ! Dear Deb! Hope you know what a silly heart I am! Ask my daughter….she cannot believe some of the things I say and do.And I dont understand it either))) I love playful unserious people! I am one who tells the truth AND I get in hot water here, and other places for so doing!I have been this way for 66 years. All started when I eloped to SF in a snowstorm p, from Chicago. I am not here to impress anyone, you will never find me in a contest. No chance. I have won at life bigtime.I like relationships not empty comments, i hope we stay friends. I am not Linda Limerick LOL You ARE my Christmas joy for 2024! We both reflect on the joy of on one another, thank our mothers for that! You have humility, do you know that??Golly! I am happy & lit up just like my Christmad tree! Pangiex
Date: 12/11/2024 10:12:00 PM
Lol, Deb will love this dedication, you're right though, getting on in years sucks big time. Tom
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 12/11/2024 11:05:00 PM
ROFLMAO. Hey Tom it was fun to write this. Many will not agree. I dont care, it is great fun for me to exaggerate my experieces. I am not dead ,,,yet…i mss being young. You know me well enough to know how much I love ! my family. I hope Deb realizes how much I like her thank you for your respect and your time. Pangie xx

Book: Reflection on the Important Things