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A Former Slender Man Lapsed Unitarian Anorexic

A former slender man (lapsed Unitarian anorexic)... deplores adipose tissue gain No Holiday music can soothe savage beast washboard abdomen weight watcher's dream fleeced skinny bag of lovely bones permanently leased body snatcher somewhere amidst policed madding crowd of carolers singing, where mine sinking spirits ceased rising today December 18th, 2020 analogous how unleavened bread (i.e. matzo) lacks yeast. I loathe shucking clothes, (no matter eyes severely myopic) in preparation for here goes another warm shower quickly relaxing this senescent body ready to doze soon after lathering this blubbery body most unwanted fat grows on me, no matter healthy diet of worms, or how I stand, not so easy (Etsy) as add a pose zing losing battle – Mary Jo's if and geeze us of bulge ill flattering particularly quiverly, sans white "WALL" tire tread fully goes steely belted around lower abdominal area like lava floes siring unsightly expose yore squishy Jew dish priestly punchy, plasma paunchy, gristly... pillow like marshmallows fittingly, rotundly soundly identical with other schlep tin (tin tabulation) grungy hobos, this lap pissed lard (lord) Who Lee bemoaning, how ilk readily knows, where unwanted bulky flab... most detested - hence Corp Yule Lance leaves noth thin to noblesse oblige, know bull eats obese, anorexia nervosa or chance barking out orders reminiscent, when he hapt tubby a caller wannabe at weekly square and/or contra dance, now requisitioned to insulate and excessively enhance body electric can be mushed into likeness of fleshy France or repurposed into expanse resembling any country, whose name Kants be easily pronounced, and historical events glommed together recognizable as Ataturk with a lance bequeathed to rule World advance sing gluttony as his divine providence, thus requires deep dish allegiance (non - fiber - binding contract) for eats and make decadent every fleshpot gourmand stretching consumer cellular skein to capacitance bestowing guaranteed deliverance with their rolling ballooning massive circumference into orbit with Earthly moon officiant eternal fondue irrelevance!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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