A Father To the Fatherless

My shelter from the storm
My Fountain in the wilderness
My Refuge and my Rock
High King of love, God of all grace
You have become my hiding place
My ever faithful God
A Lover to the loveless
Defender of the weak
The Healer of all brokenness
Restorer of my dreams
High King of love, God of all grace
My Comfort and my Peace
My Substitute, my Sacrifice
My perfect, spotless Lamb
You have become all in all
My risen Lord, my Gift of life
My Saviour and my Friend
High King of love, God of all grace
Perfect in power, and strong to save
You're my God, my Glory
You have become my righteousness
A humble Father to the motherless
A kind Father to the fatherless
You're my saviour, unchangeable Father.
Copyright © Don Bukana | Year Posted 2017
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