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A Delicious Inanimate Hare

Come Easter day, the little ones are impatient to shove down their throats their candy-coated forest-folk, and to this all their time they devote. And who am I, you kindly ask?--I'm the idol of woodlander sweets!-- more scrumptious than a caramel egg, more momentous than marshmallow Peeps! Much like a Christmas ornament that enriches the face of a tree, no basket is complete without an appropriate helping of me! My brittle body's born to be in a wrapper of decorative hue; though such a fact I do disdain, as I do my adherence to you! How cute I must appear to be with my chocolate antennas and tail, but such a face receives no grace--for alas!--you will put me on sale. Oh how I wish to someday flee, for my fate is profoundly unfair: I'm a chocolate dessert though I wish to assert my dislike of this strife and my edible life it's a terrible shame that I'll always remain a delicious inanimate hare!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 4/30/2010 10:50:00 AM
I enjoyed reading your excellent poetry today Michael. I wish you a weekend full of love and lots of inspiration. Love, Carol
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