A Decaying House
I stopped in front of a decaying house
That takes up some space on a busy road
I stepped up on the porch - it's not my house
It was not my house - never my abode
Those are ferns in the garden doing well
I would have planted those if it were mine
So that I could see them through the window
And smile that the plantings are doing fine
I see the rosette hung above the door
It needs a little sanding and some stain
One of those chores that I would have put off -
I would have promised again and again
A wobbly staircase leads uncertainly
Toward what seems to be a roof with a hole
In the center- a patchable problem -
And then I heard the whispers, bless my soul
Children I never had whispered nearby
In a decaying house I never owned
With a garden that I never planted
And a staircase of wood that moaned and groaned
I leaned on my cane headed for the door
It had been the right choice to stop and see
The decaying old house close by the road
Just two of a kind, the old house and me
Contest: The Decaying House
Sponsor: Constance La France
Copyright © Larry Bradfield | Year Posted 2020
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