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A Day Off

I'm not going into work today I'm taking a day off to rest, I've been feeling under the weather of late and really not up to my best. I've taken some of my holiday I didn't want to go sick, As sickness can bugger your prospects when it comes to promotion real quick. I don't think I've got the man flu my head is perfectly clear, It's something to do with internals and could be quite serious I fear, I've got a touch of arthritis damaged liver and kidneys as well New ailments are not unexpected but on something I don't want to dwell. I generally feel better in summer when the sunshine warm's up my bones, I can move about a lot freer which lessens the volume of groans, My liver and kidneys are working but not really up to the mark, I really must look on the bright side as the future could really be stark. I'd love to play with my grand kids and roll about on the floor, But that would be really stupid as rising will be such a chore, The best I can do at the moment is have them sit on my lap, So I can read them a story before I need a long nap. In summer we go for a walk in the park so they can smell all the flowers With stick in each hand I toddle behind so a five minute walk lasts for hours. They really make me so happy all playful and so full of fun, When flying a kite in the warm summer wind or lazing about in the sun. But "Granddad" is not all that mobile his joints just don't want to play, He'd rather be young fit and healthy than acting a statue all day, Please don't think I spend my time moaning or whinging to any degree, I always do look on the bright side as there are people in worse states than me.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 2/7/2013 10:50:00 AM
I hear you, Peter! If you're not familiar with it, read "Sick" by Shel Silverstein for the youthful version of your poem.
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Date: 1/24/2013 2:23:00 PM
At least you got time to write a nice poem ..... put on wool socks, do not get sick. - I have four grandchildren, likes to be a lot with them. - (2 boys + 2 girls) - hope your free day has been a lovely day. - oxox / / Anne-Lise :)
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Brown Avatar
Peter Brown
Date: 2/4/2013 12:18:00 AM
Thank you so much, your comments are always appreciated.

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