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A Dandelion Decides

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6/14/2024 for C-Forms - Carpe Diem Poetry Contest

A dandelion, "Dee", sprouted in a field. She loved her pleasant life in the sun and breeze, But a "priest's crown" has but one season to play. Her neighbor shocked her, and said, "Soon, you'll yield - When a cruel lawnmower cuts us at our knees. There's no chance a child will blow our seeds away". One day a little girl said, "I need one more For my necklace. Which one should I pick, of these?" Dee straightened herself up, her head to display, Better brave for beauty, than the mower's store. Seize the day!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 8/7/2024 2:49:00 PM
David, I like this a lot, congratulations on your win in my contest with this wonderful poem, well done, Constance
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David Crandall
Date: 8/7/2024 5:28:00 PM
Thanks - glad you liked this one Constance!
Date: 6/16/2024 7:09:00 AM
What a fun write Dave! A perfect choice for a brave little dandelion. :)
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David Crandall
Date: 6/16/2024 9:24:00 AM
Thanks Linda! I think making it (sort of) a carpe diem poem took care of the 'C' part, but if I remember, this is in the form of a "curtal sonnet". I don't think we tried that one!
Date: 6/14/2024 11:20:00 PM
We used to make daisy chains for a necklace and We blew dandilions as children He loves me He loves me not We said while blowing the seeds off
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David Crandall
Date: 6/15/2024 8:23:00 AM
I used to like to blow the seeds too, but most of the ones in our yard got mowed down before I had the chance. :-)

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