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A Cowboy's Journal

A Cowboy's Journal By: Tom Wright 10/10/98 The old corral stands, silver and smooth from no care. From years of neglect, in the crisp mountain air. Earlier covered with frost now black and wet from the thaw. I saddled Sugar Foot, my Mustang, then searched my vest for a chaw. Finishing up with my Mustang, I checked again old Jack. He was packed out with water, along with a full winters tack. It is Molly's first pack trip and her load fits like a glove. Now, it's off to the Line Shack, beyond the ridge top above. Snow to Sugar Foots belly, I had to ride through. With ice frozen to my stirrups, but what's a Cowboy to do. I'll keep the fences mended, even rounding up a stray. and on cold winter nights, keep the Wolves at bay. Then alone at night, by the fireplace I'll sit. Listening to the fire talk, while I whittle and spit. As Christmas approached I had myself a real treat. For I bagged a big Elk and had fresh camp meat. Enough meat to last beyond next springs thaw. When I'll pack out my animals and head back down the draw.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 5/2/2019 9:53:00 PM
Hi Tom, enjoyed reading this little gem of a poem, you told your story, so well. Best of luck partner. Cheers, Kev
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