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A Change Is a Com N

A Change Is A Com'n Though this baby boomer, (who didst roam man upon this Earth since the year mcmLix) does not coon sitter himself a political activist his wear re: some ness, particularly with chronic setbacks inaugurated by President Donald Trump, an in volunteer re: response, (asper just the faintest hint of a smile) veer really played itself across my countenance un bear ably impossible to depress, repress, and/or suppress, upon gleaning America Online cover headline indicating Representative Beto O’Rourke, a (Texas Democrat) care fully, sir up tush hiss lee, reportedly, and quietly considering a 2020 grab for White House commander in Chief chair met with Barack Obama dare ring political polls to hedge intimation, though true motives unclear that said progressive former named person (from Lone Star State) might be seriously sincere conjoining what promises to be a dynamically hearty, lucky, and plucky solution to uptear, the present woebegone crisis of dreadlock, gridlock, and padlock stasis, the political ship of state (Leviathan countenanced by Thomas Hobbes circa 1651) pitching United States government upon reprehensible threshold inching the Doomsday Clock closer than ever to thermonuclear global mortal kombat triggering unset of unstoppable subnuclear barrage in record time (mere minutes transforming the world wide web into many a schmear compromising most all life into a bajillion bits of pulverized powder, guaranteeing the demise, sans *****sapiens, and thus no Santa Claus to steer the motley crue of feisty reindeer, this above mentioned dissolution, would sadly, unfortunately, wretchedly remove ***** as well the straight sexually oriented persons matter, would become reconstituted into surprise show stopping premiere of some alternate lifeform, no doubt signalled with at least one outlier or maybe even a noncareer mutineer!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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