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A Central Focus "A good-controversy is-just-like a real-tasty pot of-beans; replenishing the water-you-have to-keep-them stirred-up, lest you-do-this-they-tend to- get to tasting-bad, getting-stuck-on-themselves, burning to-the bottom-of the- pot... ." "I mean imagine if you will one thought or existence where there is nothing of evil, everything of goodness, then imagine if you will the latter... ? Where then is there more comfort in the fathoming... ?" "In the purpose of liberty and for the evolution if you will of growth towards an abiding unity with God and man, my choice if I am bold enough is to in the offering - allow myself to know them both as they are - so I may be moved myself in the direction; of pure divinity... ." "No; we as creators being gifted or so bestowed as we all are with the powers of free will and the intuition to weigh the realities of these truths, well often times absent of the adoration; thereby-insight (I know now; for myself, as I am being-shown-when I am opened myself to-look) this virtue granted us through-this prominent-consideration - we alone as a result within ourselves without this, create our own follies as it were... and as it is it is as well why I think, feel, believe; have-faith now that God in His eminence offers these blessings - all evolving as one as they are in-Him as a gift unearned; of His Unconditional-Grace, Mercy; Forgiveness." "Because indifference is the plague of the heart I am coming to find - blind tendentiousness the babbling brook sown solely of this denial - abiding absent of this Forgiveness, Mercy - forevermore feeding it's root - latter the boldness, passion; pureness, perfect opportunity; honest beauty/eminent-blessing... yes; provision, of this Grace... ." "The hyphens are all used in conjunction with one another for recording purposes for the disabled."

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 12/11/2010 2:08:00 PM
I invite you to read: as well investigate as to why I ask you of this, "please":. I am so honored you have stopped by friend you have blessed me-yes - I wish as well to bless you. ~ Love ~ James ~ (or if you will) ~ e v e r y o n e 1 ~
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things